I've read books all my life, but just recently I got obsessed and nowadays I read daily. Contemporary, Romance, New Adult and Young Adult are my favorite genres.
Usually the first book in a series isn't that good. It's more about the world and character building and the plot suffers because of that.
But not with the Lux series! EEeehh! This was soooo gooood! I'm so happy that I own the published sequels so that I don't have to wait even a minute to continue reading this series.
The thing that I liked most in Obsidian (besides the amazing characters, but that's kind of given, a good book can hardly have bad characters) was that is was so fast paced. PAM PAM PAM PAM, things kept happening in every chapter, big things. The characters and the plot gave me serious whiplash! And I loved every second of it. I enjoy reading books that has a lot of action.
And what about the characters? Yes, I'll join the Daemon-club. Sign me in! And I liked Katy too; a girl main character that doesn't annoy me is always a plus.
I'm super excited that I found this series and I'm even more excited that there's at least four books left in it(two unpublished).